Chasing a Race

Evan White


Hello! I am Evan White.
I am a Mobile Developer who is enthusiastic about doing good work. I also love running, travel, and learning.

  • NameEvan White
  • BirthdayJuly 1982
  • AddressVancouver, WA, United States
  • Phone+1 (607) 301 0201
  • Personal
  • Professional
  • Development
  • See My Projects
Vancouver, Washington, United States

My Card

  • NameEvan White
  • BirthdayJuly 1982
  • AddressVancouver, WA, United States
  • Phone+1 (607) 301 0201
Download vCard

My Skills

Productive Languages

  • C#
  • JavaScript

Familiar Languages

  • SQL
  • VB
  • JAVA
  • Python
  • PHP
  • R


  • Microsoft Store
  • Cordova
  • Node.js
  • Android
  • iOS

Javascript Frameworks

  • Backbone.js
  • jQuery
  • React.js

User Interface

  • XAML


  • Git
  • Visual Studio
  • Jenkins CI
  • MSBuild
  • Gulp, Webpack
  • Bash


  • SQL Server
  • Microsoft Access

About Me

Hi, My name is Evan

I have working in native mobile development space writing javascript and .NET applications. I have been a developer at Microsoft shops for 12 years being a generalist across the web and mobile stack. I'm motivated to use best practices, collaborate, and improve.


Mobile Developer2014 - Present

Mocaworks, LLC

Developing cross-platform Javascript/HTML5 Cordova application for mobile access to learning management service.

Windows Mobile Developer2010 - 2013

Developing Windows 8 and Windows Phone apps. Managing software requirements, administering source control repositories, and configuring and maintaining build machines.

ASP.NET Web Developer2007-2010

Sikorsky Global Helicopters

Create and maintain web applications that improve existing business processes supporting Lean manufacturing using MS SQL Server, MS Access, ASP.NET and Microsoft Excel. Provide ad-hoc data analysis and continual improvement of IT process and service. Participated in SAP ERP implementation.


LC Consulting Services

Created and administered classic ASP websites driven by MySQL and MS Access databases. Designed, tested, and maintained software for engineering applications. Produced MFC applications, libraries, and websites.

Continuing Education


MOOC Programs


Data analysis in R, Machine Learning, Mobile Robot Control Systems


Information Technology Management

Elmira College

Courses in Project Management, Leadership, IT Management



Corning Community College

A semester of study (for fun!) courses in Spanish, ASL, Mandarin Chinese, Guitar, Percussion, General Music


Language, Music

Monroe Community College

A semester of study (for fun!) courses in Spanish, ASL, Mandarin Chinese, Guitar, Percussion, General Music



B.S. Computer Science

Union College

Graduated Cum Laude with Psychology Minor.

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06 Jul 2014 Filed under running Tagged as boston marathon

Chasing a Race

I ran the Foot Traffic Flat in 3'07". Its a solid time and a PR at 36 minutes faster than my previous marathon time.

More to the point, it is two minutes shy of my goal of 3'05" which is a Boston Qualifying time. I have a bunch of eligible excuses, which I consider liabilities more than they are assets. I could have made my target time--not painlessly, but easily. I came up short because I let off the throttle thinking I had a cushion that I didn't. Let's call it a failure of tactics and not necessarily strategy.

There is plenty of sunny side, which I appreciate but doesn't satisfy. I'm both upset and stubborn and, at least for now, I'm still set on doing what I said I was going to do, even if its bad for me.

The question is now do I have the resources to pull this together. There is a lot of uncertainty. Will I have time, energy, and terrain to support my training? Will the next race have a fast enough course and will fortune bless the weather?

I'm still processing what the experience means and the takeaway lesson. It's clear that, like much of my life now, the degree of control that I have is limited and the costs and exercising that control, more expensive. So now, this might actually be hard.